Seguridad holística para colectivos: Difference between revisions

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'''Recursos i documentacio del taller:'''
'''Recursos i documentacio del taller:'''
Dia 1 - Sabado
> Breve presentation y objetivos del taller / espacio seguro reglas de chatnam
> Una cosa que quieres aprender asi como definicion de tu tipo de activismo y una palabra para seguridad – 10 mins
> Un dia en tu vida – 15 mins
> Gestion estres/miedo/ataques: aspectos psicosociales – 25 mins
Tortuga/Leon/Caballo – 10 mins
Identificacion de tus mecanimos propios de gestion – 15 mins
For the purposes of this exercise, we’ve identified three 'levels' of stress:
Green: Bearable, motivating stress. This kind of stress might keep us creative, but we may
tire easily, require more breaks and take measures to avoid sustaining this stress for a long
period of time.
Yellow: Unpleasant stress. With this level of stress we may feel both tired and alert. We may
manifest physical signs of stress (which vary from person to person). We will usually have a
strong desire to change the situation that is causing this sensation.
Red: Unbearable, profound and lasting stress. This kind of stress affects different spheres
of our lives, including our relationships at work, with friends and family, and our intimate
relationships. This level of stress also reduces the pleasure and relaxation that we enjoy
from recreational activities, and we feel anxious and/or miserable. Our bodies show clear
physical reactions, and we may feel close to collapse and resort to unhealthy measures to
stay alert, such as stimulants.
Step 2. Ask participants to consider what symptoms each level elicits for them, however they
define this for themselves. If you feel comfortable doing so, share an example from your own life.
Step 3. Ask participants to describe the tactics they use for either easing these symptoms or
addressing the source(s) of stress, including the resources they need for this.
Participants fill out the sheet individually (10-15 minutes). They can share reflections with others, but sharing should be optional.
This table can serve as a guide for participants, and they can take it with them. It can help during planning to ensure they have access to resources to help them remain calm.
Points to highlight from this exercise as you close:
Security is not just an abstract concept—our bodies have evolved ways of keeping us safe.
However, our bodies' reactions are impacted by stress, tiredness and trauma. In order to
improve our security, we need to take steps to manage and reduce these.
Dia 2 - Domingo
Trabajamos en hacer un mapeo de las informaciones que produce y manejan nuestros colectivos asi como los canales de comunicación que usamos entre nosotras, luego pasamos a analizar el nivel de sensibilidad que pueden tener los datos que producimos, manejamos, cuales contienen información personal identificable, cuales contienen información sensible, desarrollamos un plan de diagnostico de procesos para proteger mejor esa información teniendo en consideración los canales de comunicación que usamos entre nosotras así como para comunicar con el mundo.
Luego presentamos un caso de estudio y nos dividimos por grupos de trabajo, estos contemplan estrategias pro-activas y reactivas para la dimension psicosocial y de cuidados, la dimension de seguridad dura y finalmente la dimension de seguridad digital y protección de la privacidad. Nos reunimos en plenaria y ponemos en común estas estrategias.

Latest revision as of 15:33, 22 April 2017


Paraules clau: seguridad, analisis de riesgo, holistico, bienestar, seguridad digital, privacidad

Descripció: En aquest taller explorarem la interrelació que existeix entre seguretat física o dura, seguretat digital i benestar psicosocial per a poder reflexionar sobre com poder desenvolupar un activisme sostenible en l'àmbit individual i col·lectiu

Format: Taller participatiu amb parts més formatives tipu xerrada.

Material: No és necessari portar res més que ganes, motivació i la ment activa.

A qui va dirigit?: A tota aquella que tingui inquietuds, ganes o curiositat de desenvolupar practiques d'activisme mes sostenible

Recursos i documentacio del taller:

Dia 1 - Sabado

> Breve presentation y objetivos del taller / espacio seguro reglas de chatnam

> Una cosa que quieres aprender asi como definicion de tu tipo de activismo y una palabra para seguridad – 10 mins


> Un dia en tu vida – 15 mins

> Gestion estres/miedo/ataques: aspectos psicosociales – 25 mins

Tortuga/Leon/Caballo – 10 mins

Identificacion de tus mecanimos propios de gestion – 15 mins

For the purposes of this exercise, we’ve identified three 'levels' of stress: Green: Bearable, motivating stress. This kind of stress might keep us creative, but we may tire easily, require more breaks and take measures to avoid sustaining this stress for a long period of time. Yellow: Unpleasant stress. With this level of stress we may feel both tired and alert. We may manifest physical signs of stress (which vary from person to person). We will usually have a strong desire to change the situation that is causing this sensation. Red: Unbearable, profound and lasting stress. This kind of stress affects different spheres of our lives, including our relationships at work, with friends and family, and our intimate relationships. This level of stress also reduces the pleasure and relaxation that we enjoy from recreational activities, and we feel anxious and/or miserable. Our bodies show clear physical reactions, and we may feel close to collapse and resort to unhealthy measures to stay alert, such as stimulants.

Step 2. Ask participants to consider what symptoms each level elicits for them, however they define this for themselves. If you feel comfortable doing so, share an example from your own life.

Step 3. Ask participants to describe the tactics they use for either easing these symptoms or addressing the source(s) of stress, including the resources they need for this. Participants fill out the sheet individually (10-15 minutes). They can share reflections with others, but sharing should be optional. This table can serve as a guide for participants, and they can take it with them. It can help during planning to ensure they have access to resources to help them remain calm.

Points to highlight from this exercise as you close: Security is not just an abstract concept—our bodies have evolved ways of keeping us safe. However, our bodies' reactions are impacted by stress, tiredness and trauma. In order to improve our security, we need to take steps to manage and reduce these.

Dia 2 - Domingo

Trabajamos en hacer un mapeo de las informaciones que produce y manejan nuestros colectivos asi como los canales de comunicación que usamos entre nosotras, luego pasamos a analizar el nivel de sensibilidad que pueden tener los datos que producimos, manejamos, cuales contienen información personal identificable, cuales contienen información sensible, desarrollamos un plan de diagnostico de procesos para proteger mejor esa información teniendo en consideración los canales de comunicación que usamos entre nosotras así como para comunicar con el mundo.

Luego presentamos un caso de estudio y nos dividimos por grupos de trabajo, estos contemplan estrategias pro-activas y reactivas para la dimension psicosocial y de cuidados, la dimension de seguridad dura y finalmente la dimension de seguridad digital y protección de la privacidad. Nos reunimos en plenaria y ponemos en común estas estrategias.
