Hiroo Komine is a Japanese who has studied Ayurveda, Traditional Indian Medicine
often translated as Science of Life, in Gujarat Ayurveda University and is currently
working in HATAI CLINIC since 2008, a private clinic delivering alternative medicines
in Tokyo Japan. He is the first Japanese male to complete the course and registered as
official Ayurvedic practitioner in the state of Gujarat. Besides his main work, he also
teaches in few Ayurvedic schools.
His notion of the common public view of Ayurveda in Japan and to some extent in West
is that it is highly inclined to images of “modern day yogic spiritual practices.” He
thinks Ayurveda is much more than reciting mantra “Om.....” and be vegetarian,
confined with in the rigid picture of modern day “Yogic Spiritualism,” which you see in
the magazines. Ayurveda is to be much more free thinking, it is to be “playful,” with
the world itself, thus he reckons Ayurveda is about “hacking life and everything around
us.” He is interested in fusing traditional Ayurveda and Life Hacking with DIY bio
approaches and wishes to present Ayurveda more freely. He has been trying to self-
teach himself some of DIYbio, along with its peripherals but it seems he has not been
very succesful implementing due to ups and downs of life experiences.
Academic background:
- 2006 Gujarat Ayurved University, Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery
- 2008~ Hatai Clinic
- 2008~ Nippon Ayurveda School
- 2008~ English College of Ayurveda, Tokyo
- 2012~2013, SuperMe Ayurveda
- several other schools.
Publications etc. Several Articles published in Japanese Magazines(2~3/year) International Ayurveda Expo Srilanka as Delegate from Japan Annual Society for Ayurveda Conference (2009~
- email: qjp.8.qjp@gmail.com
- Phone: +81-80-7735-7310
amount of time: 120~240 minutes. 4 items. It will be discussed accordingly.