
From Wiki-Fou

What is?

Bebop is our PXE (read as in "pixie") system. We use it for install new machines over the network. If you want to install Linux on your box, you're welcome anytime to come, visit us and, of course, install Linux.

How does it work?

We have an OpenWRT[1] router offering DHCP 'round the network and a local server where the boot images are hosted. The images are mounted on the router via NFS and voilà. That's all!

How can i reproduce Bebop in my local network?

Prepare a folder on your local server


  • You're running Debian on your local server. If not, please refer to the documentation of your distro.


  • SSH to your local server with proper credentials:
   $ ssh user@server
  • Gain root privileges:
   $ sudo -i
  • Create a directory wherever you want to store the boot images:
   $ mkdir /path/to/optimal/place
  • Make the directory accesible through NFS:
   $ echo "/path/to/optimal/place"    *(ro,no_subtree_check)" >> /etc/exports
  • Logout form the server:
   Ctrl-D # exit from sudo
   Ctrl-D # exit from ssh login

Prepare your router to serve the files through tftpboot

  • SSH to your router with proper credentials:
   $ ssh root@myrouter
  • Create a directory for mounting the files over the network:
   $ mkdir /mnt/tftpboot
  • Install the folowing packages to enable nfs features:
   $ opkg install nfs-utils kmod-fs-nfs kmod-fs-nfs-common
  • Edit /etc/config/dhcp. It should look like:
   $ vi /etc/config/dhcp
   config dnsmasq
       ... a lot of config done before...
       option enable_tftp '1'
       option tftp_root '/mnt/tftpboot'
       ... a lot more config
   config boot 'linux'

option filename 'pxelinux.0' option serveraddress 'MY.ROUTER.IP.ADDRESS' option servername 'router'
